Making a Modular Cat/Perkins Genset Platform

Started by Henry W, December 27, 2009, 05:34:06 PM

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Henry W


I was thinking again about my Cat genset project and I think I figured out a solution for the project.

I want to have a 1800 rpm genhead on the Cat genset when I am finished with the project. But for now I am thinking of using a 3600 rpm genhead for now.

I have a new 3600 rpm 10,000 watt / 7200 watt continuous genhead still in the box. I am thinking this will only be a temperary genhead until I get another 1800 rpm genhead for the Cat genset.
So I came up with an idea to make the Cat genset platform a modular unit to accept different genheads.

I am in the design phase right now and I believe I solved one of the first issues.
Since I want the Cat Platform to be able to drive either 1800 or 3600 rpm genhead I came up with two pulley sizes that should be ideal for this project.

Both pulleys will be machined for SK bushings to mount either pulley on the genhead. Both pulleys will also have bosses machined to mount on the Cat/Perkins flywheel. This will be ideal for changeover from 3600 to 1800 by just swapping the two pulley positions from Engine to Gen-head. And back when needed.

I figured the ideal standard Pulley sizes will be 6 inches and 8.50 inches.
This setup would be make it easy to adjust engine rpm's for changeover since engine rpm's will be only 11 rpm's apart on either setup arangement.
Engine running RPM's will be:
2553 for a 1800 rpm genhead.
2542 for a 3600 rpm genhead.

But if you only want a 4 rpm differance make the pulley sizes 152mm and 215mm. Now were splitting hairs. :)
Engine running RPM's will be:
2550 for a 1800 rpm genhead.
2546 for a 3600 rpm genhead.

The engine peak torque range is between 2400 and 2600 rpm's and I feel the setup would be pretty good for this project since the peak torque curve looks pretty flat from 2400 to 2600 rpm's.

I feel this setup should be good for 5kw continuous.

Check out the spec. sheets below.



Henry, This is exactly what I'm doing. I have a 6.25 inch pulley for my Cat that I got from Mike Montieth. I will use an Utterpower 8.4 inch pulley that I'll put on my 1800 rpm gen head and I will use a 4.2 inch Utterpower pulley for my 3600 rpm gen head. That way I'll be able to run my Cat at about 2500 rpm!plus or minus some RPMs. I already made the frame and have my Cat mounted on it. The gen head will mount like most people mount their Listeroid gen heads.. on 2 pieces of angle iron that slides on an I-beam.

Randy B

Henry W

That is great!! If it is posssible would like to see some pictures. :)



Henry, the only problem with taking a picture is that I have my Cat tucked away in the back of the garage all covered up.. waiting for spring.. aka.. warmer weather! I still have to order the 2 Uttepower pulleys too!

Randy B