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New board for discussion of inverter generators

Started by 63 Sprint, July 08, 2015, 03:57:25 AM

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63 Sprint

It's been approximately 3 months since I decided to purchase an inverter generator. Since owning a few different makes and models I felt this forum should have a specific place for inverter generators. This makes locating and documenting information much easier.

It looks like the inverter generator market will continue to grow for some time. My experience is they consume less fuel and are quieter on partial loads then a conventicle generator. This is beneficial when only needing to run partial loads. Another benefit is the power is clean, and as far as I understand most are pure sine wave.

It seems like more generator manufacturers have inverter generators listed to sell. Another thing is the prices do vary greatly from some well known brands such as Honda and Yamaha compaired to brands that are fairly new to inverter generators working to make a name and are selling inverter generators at comparable output at much lower prices. This board will be beneficial to members thinking to purchase one. If any member has an inverter generator feel free to write about it.




I had a Honeywell 2000 about 6 years ago.  It ran stuff (6kv autotransformer) well, but was always a pain to start, and I had 3 starter ropes replaced.


Maybe we could start with a simple definition and a couple of links to working examples?



Have to read both above for a complete picture. The Power-inverter type will partially explain the differences between good, well designed inverterted genrators from the majors; versus the so-so, good-luck-chuck quality from the cheepest-bid clone re-branded manufactured.

Simple explanation? Allowing the IC engine to variable speed produce only based on load demand reduces wear, tear, noise and reduces fuel used.
Engine variable spped produces a raw variable three phase AC output that is a varying "wild" voltage and frequency. THEN that gets transformed and into DC converted. Then that DC wattage is electronically converted back to a very stable AC voltage and frequency.
So simply . . . with all of these high wattage electro-magnetic and electronic conversions going on you'd best pay attention to reliably engineering and manufacturing emphasis.
Simpler yet? A 21st Century modern micro-wind inverter now being variable engine speed base supplied with raw input electrical power.


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