Compatibility issue between MS2000 inverter and Splendide 2100XC Washer/Dryer

Started by thomasonw, March 09, 2013, 08:49:55 AM

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When not playing the Arduino based Alternator Regulators I get to do other fun things.  One I have been working on over the past month was digging into an interaction between our new Magnum MS2000 inverter and Splendine washer/dryer.

Bottom line:

  • The Splendide XC2100 Washer/Dryer and the Magnum MS2000 inverter do not play well together.
  • Problem is a bit of both sides fault - with the cause a well know issue in AC Power systems.
  • Problem can be corrected with addition of 50uF motor Run Cap

The Splendide presents a rather complex / mixed (inductive and traditional Power Supply) current load during its washing cycle, and the Magnum inverter is not able to keep up with the demands.  Lots of gory details, scope photos, and a nice drawing of the solution here:

I know most off-griders tend to use inverters larger then 2000w, but perhaps this information will be helpful in some way to even larger inverters deployments.



A great report, something often run into by small generator users as well. 

I ran into the PF problem badly when designing my ST-3 to 120VDC battery bank charger.  It was a  lovely  low EMI non-switching design that dynamically zero cross switched in combinations of 4 motor run capacitors (eek bad PF) after a diode bridge and before a filter choke to regulate charge current.  Worked great in testing on grid power, total bomb on an ST-3 with AVR, despite limiting the max charging current to 12 amps (1800 watts). 

After much mucking about I finally abandoned that poor PF design and went to a "barbarically simple" motorized variac design.  It used a massive choke filter so had perfect PF.

DC power is nice in that PF is no longer a concern, and unlimited capacitance can be used without stability issues wherever needed. 

I had my eye on the Stabler washer for my 120VDC off grid home, but although the drum stepper motor is run off of their switching power supply, and would likely work fine on my 120VDC power, alas, they used an induction motor for the water drain pump.