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Started by mbryner, December 16, 2011, 12:19:09 AM

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Hello Everyone,

It was brought to my attention earlier this week that the listerenginegallery is not functional.   I don't think many people use it, but I just thought I'd update you.   It appears the site may have been hacked.   At any rate it may take me a few more days to get it brought back on-line.   It appears all the pictures are still there, but I will need to backup the mysql database and pictures, and then reinstall the gallery software.   Thanks for your patience.

JKson 6/1, 7.5 kw ST head, propane tank muffler, off-grid, masonry stove, thermal mass H2O storage

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temp Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, 1775

"The 2nd Amendment is the RESET button of the US Constitution"


General questions to anyone.

Now why would hackers attack that site ??? ??? ???

Are they just practicing on an easy to hack not heavily monitored-used site?

Could some of the pictures now be bugged with viruses if downloaded?

Is nothing safe from these demons?

16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


Quote from: billswan on December 16, 2011, 05:58:51 AM
General questions to anyone.

Now why would hackers attack that site ??? ??? ???
Is nothing safe from these demons?

Because they will use any site as an attack vector.  and yes, nothing is safe.


"Because they will use any site as an attack vector.  and yes, nothing is safe."

You are absolutely correct! They will, and do, HACK anything! Although at times they may have a deliberate goal. When not, any challenge will do, because this exploits their capabilities and others weaknesses

A good reference is the US drone in IRAN. It was easy... We just reprogrammed it to land at our air strip.
No problem.


Quote from: rl71459 on December 16, 2011, 09:15:58 AM
A good reference is the US drone in IRAN. It was easy... We just reprogrammed it to land at our air strip.
No problem.

Ok rl71459

What does that mean I am not sure?

16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure



I said it may have been.   There are files in the main directories that have modified permissions and I can't change them back, and the gallery program diagnostics say there are multiple problems.   Probably an automated script trying to gain access rather than a specific targeted hack.

edit:   ooops, you were asking about the drone being hacked.   :-[
JKson 6/1, 7.5 kw ST head, propane tank muffler, off-grid, masonry stove, thermal mass H2O storage

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temp Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, 1775

"The 2nd Amendment is the RESET button of the US Constitution"



On the news there is a story about an unmanned US Drone that that Iran has in there possesion. Originally
when the story aired the military was claming they lost control of the drone and it crashed in Iran.

Then a little later the story was revised to, The folks in Iran had figured out how to change (while in flight) the GPS coordinants that the drone uses to automaticly re-land where it came from, To the coordinants of there own air field, This in turn made the craft able automaticly do a perfect landing
on there strip.

The report I saw suggested that they were able to block our comunications with the craft, then begin commanding it themselves and reset the info as needed.

not my story... it's theirs.


I guess I just figured that had to be a little more difficult than hacking our little site, and they made it seem easy enough!

If I have offended anyone, I apologize, That was not my intent.


Quote from: rl71459 on December 16, 2011, 09:15:58 AM

A good reference is the US drone in IRAN. It was easy... We just reprogrammed it to land at our air strip.

I'm still trying to figure how they "saw" the stealth drone, to beam the GPS spoofing to it.



I have the same thought.... How did they do it?

Makes me think that they are alot more capable than everyone makes them out to be.



well guys I guess I was wondering what had happened to that drone story. Have been busy lately and not able to keep up with the news.

As far as how they knew where the drone was so they could electronically attack it? I thought that I had read several years ago already that the Chinese had devised a way to track stealth aircraft. Something to do with the way those aircraft interfere with regular radio waves as they fly through them or so I that is the best of my weak memory on the subject.

16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


Servers sneeze. 

Digression on the drone spins:

     A.  Why can't these units have self destruct bombs connected to a cell phone?

     B.  Something stinks and I don't think its the cheese.

     C.  I'm sure one of these wouldn't be sacrificed just to keep building the "war wants" of the American people.  I mean we're now down to only one active war and we just seem too good at building war crap and unable to build capital assets.



OK, is back online.  

Sorry it took a while.  It actually wasn't hacked.  The hosting co had changed an upper level path to the files, breaking the whole gallery.   I couldn't figure out what happened until I did a database and file backup, then reinstalled, and then the new install didn't run either.    ???

Anyway, enjoy the gratis, advertisement-free hosting of Lister/oid related pictures.  :)

JKson 6/1, 7.5 kw ST head, propane tank muffler, off-grid, masonry stove, thermal mass H2O storage

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temp Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, 1775

"The 2nd Amendment is the RESET button of the US Constitution"



Thanks for taking care of it. The Lister(roid) community appreciates it !  :)



Hi Marcus,

Yes, Thank-you for your generosity.
