11.7 HP - Natural gas engine, Arrow C-46 for sale.

Started by dieselfox, June 22, 2011, 08:51:19 PM

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Gentlemen / Ladies

Came across an engine I didn't know about.  They flywheel is covered in this picture.  These are still being made today.  They have some to rebuild on this site as well.

Diesel Fox


http://www.arrowengine.com/media/C-series_Brochure_2005.pdf    Brochure about the engine.


Now that is a modern looking engine.  I could almost see Lt. Com. Spock tuning it for warp drive.

What kind of radiator - condenser is that - Neat?

I wonder how much something like that is worth?

I could sure see its grand father's DNA.



That sure is a neat engine, too bad I don't have enough kidneys to sell to get one.  ::)
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?


Casey, the radiator that's on that engine is a modern aftermarket unit called a "Pumpers friend".  Rather than a standard radiator core design, it's built using individual "fin-tube" elements that can be individually replaced in the field.