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Started by oiler, August 08, 2010, 01:50:02 AM

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Here's what I did:

See CO2 Emergency Shutdown System photos and system description.  I don't need or use AVR, so if one does use one, that would certainly need to be addressed.

Here's what I used for the tripping:

One will likely need the time delay function to avoid nuisance trips.

Here's the solid state relay I used for the disconnect:

One can occasionally find both of these on ebay for less than $20 each.

Bob B.



I've been very busy since your June 6th 2011 post and I am still thinking about your comments on the "Deep Sea Controller DSE701AS". Updates:

I've cleaned up my generator control panel, detais posted on another thread. Then using $10 worth of old relays, I now have a simple and functional no voltage, broken belt, generator componet failure, etc, shut down system fully operational.

I am just about finished with my bridge rectifer VDC filtering circuits on all my listeroids. The posts under (Ronmar May 4th 2011 post) was extremely helpful. Ordered and received my $75 O-Scope (DSO Nano) so I can do quick and dirty basic checks.

Now, I need to make a decision on the DSE701AS. It looks like this controller monitors frequency from the ST generator head, and I can program user defined trips for low and high frequency (I.e. 55 Hz & 65 Hz). I do not want a controller that requires installation of a sensor in the flywheel to determine frequency, I am looking for a controller that will monitor VAC from the generator head and thus frequency. I believe this unit will do that and it operates on 12 VDC which is just what I want. But - yes but, I am having trouble finding an online user manual to ensure these features. If you are familar with the unit can you advise.




Good job. Here is the link to the manual

Won't be long and you'll have what you want.

A job never gets finished unless it gets started.

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.



Thank you, and I've been busy today getting ready for what I thought might be a hurricane in south Florida, but now it appears unlikely. Just finished experimenting on my ST 15 gen head loaded at 40 amp and 230 VAC. Used 8000 uF off of the bridge rectifier which raised my output ST voltage to 238 VAC and a better overall wave form. I am pleased with the results for what it is.

My ST VAC was always a little low and now the AVR has something to regulate. Photos made using my $5 volt meter and $75 pocket O-Scope, nothing but the best for my ST & listeroid. Also, ignor the units on the O-Scope, I am still learning how to use the device but the wave form is valid.

I will made a decision on the controller very soon, thank you.



oiler, you said that your gov was getting a little lasy. check and see if your injecter is getting gummy and sticking.
you may need to pull it and clean it. this will help.
just my 2cents.



You are right. I replaced the injection pump with a cheap one from India, id made a LOT of difference.

Sadly the engine hasn't been used since the wife kicked me out but i hope to be able to install it before winter......
Lister Startomatic 6/1 to be restored
Lister D 1937
Lister LT1