posting guidelines, read first

Started by admin, May 27, 2010, 02:49:31 AM

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This board will be more of a diary format in that it will contain individual projects from conception through progression to finish

members are asked to provide the following information and to follow the following format as close as possible

within the first post for a new topic under this board:

1. a brief intro, general area of the world you live in

2. operational philosophy, tell us if your goal is continous operation 24/7, 16/7, 8/7 or ?

3. Bill of materials, tell us what prime mover, what generator head, and tell us as much as you can about what other major components
are used or planned to be used in the construction of your cogeneration unit

4. theory of operation, tell us how the unit will function, how it is similar to existing units, how it differs in operation, etc.

5. stage of development, are you in the planning stages? are you building it? is it complete? are you testing?

6. name the unit, think up a name for you unit so that we might keep track of what unit is what over the course of time.

the above infomation will make it so folks that follow the development of your system can refer back and better understand certain design aspects of your system later when it might not otherwise be so evident. as an example a system built to run 24/7 might well have considerations that a unit built to run 4 hours per day would not share, the above information will help others understand why your system is built the way it is.

following this first post, members are encouraged to then continue on posting under the same topic in a progressive manner
from whatever starting point that is appropriate and do so in a periodic manner as things progress. the end result will be a topic that might look like the following

topic:  john q. public, cogen2000

introduction post: with the above information

next post: start of john's project, thoughts, research, ordering parts etc

next post: receiving parts, small parts manufacture, subassemblies, welding...

next post, assembly...

etc etc.

if we establish a format and try to stick to it, it will be much easier for others to follow yours as well as every other members project
and using the same conventions will make it easy for others to make comparisons where appropriate.

if you feel it is necessary or beneficial to add to the above list, feel free to do so. this is only a general guidline and is not meant to be
something that is cast in stone.