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Modern slow speed diesels ?

Started by Jens, May 27, 2010, 05:41:22 PM

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Does anyone know of a modern slow speed diesel engine ? Something that runs at less than 1000 rpm and is rated for maybe 30k or more hours and 30 hp or less ? Bonus for IDI and no sand ...


is there a reason you have to have slow speed ??

would 1800rpm be adequate if it were to be rated for as good bsfc and 30 plus thousand hours?

so in short, lets put together a wish list

1. rpm

2. bsfc

3. idi preferrably

4. 30k hours plus

5. anything else?

i am with you, it is time to evolve and check out what other options there might be, even if their first cost is significantly higher
it might be that after all is considered they are not really more expensive.

i kind of like the looks of the new lister/petter 3 cylinder, it comes dressed with everything an engine should have, built to first world standards,
no real estate, and tier 4 compliant. its got electric start, a real sae bellhousing so one could use a single brg head and do away with belts/pulleys
and other drive related parts, after looking at one i wonder if i would be better off spending the extra bucks up front and not have to fool with all
the stuff like starters, alternator, waterpump, tstat, filters, drive components etc etc.  all considered maybe they are a better buy than an engine
that comes with nothing but is half the cost?

when you get up to around 25-30hp i think the options are many to choose from, but likely none in the 1000rpm and under class.

at least any that i would want anything to do with.

bob g

Henry W

I am with you Bob.

The Lister Petter 3 cylinder engine looks like a very nicly built engine.
Having an engine with a sae flywheel and housing would be a great plus. It would make a nice clean setup Yes it would cost more to purchase one but in the long run it can turn out to be cheaper to build a nice genset with a single bearing gen-head. A lot less custom made parts. simpler design, and much safer to be around.

I am looking to go with a single bearing genhead setup in the future. :)

Tom Osborne sells the 3 cylinder IDI lister petter engines for a good price if anyone is intrested going this route.


Henry W

Henry W

Henry W

Quote from: Jens on May 27, 2010, 08:08:21 PM
Quote from: hwew on May 27, 2010, 08:00:11 PM
Tom Osborne sells the 3 cylinder IDI lister petter engines for a good price if anyone is intrested going this route.

What is the web address for Tom ?
What kind of a lifetime are these engines rated for ?

Tom does not have these engines listed yet. But he has two in stock.
My understanding is the engine comes with a 6000 hour warentee and should last 30,000 hours.

Here is his contact info:
Tom Osborne

Henry W

oh I fogot to mention that in Canada you guys probably can get the Bio Diesel model. :)


Henry W

Well I know the Kubota z482 engine will last 20,000 hours if taken car of properly and run it at 2600- 2800 rpm with a conservative load like 2500-3000 watts. I keep in touch with a company where some people that proved these numbers and I seen the hour meters when I was visiting.

The 3 cylinder Lister Petter engine seems to be built pretty rugged and running at 1800 rpm's I can see it go 30,000 hours on diesel.

On veggie it could be another story. You need to speak to someone at Lister Petter about thier bio-diesel setup.


Henry W

Just to stir up some intrest here is a picture of a 12 hp that has a life of 50,000 + hours.

This is what I want!!! And to be honest I feel this is where the need is for lots of us here. It comes with an sae 3 housing and flywheel setup.

More about this later.


Henry W


The engine was designed by General Motors more than 42 years ago.

Some of these Engines have been operating uninterruptedly for 50,000 hours in the Vodafone Mobile base stations in Cyprus.

I have the service manual for this engine and this is a very high quality and heavily built engine. It is also very easy to service and overhaul. Oh The crank mains and conecting rod end can be ground .010, .020, .030 and .040 under size.

The engine is wet sleaved also.




I can almost see Thumper packing his bags to make way for the General Motors single.  :'(
Just the kind of long runs you were looking for.
Perhaps reduce your expectations by 30% for running on WVO.


Henry W


I guess it has to last longer than most twin cylinder listeroids. ;D
Please do not be offended by this coment I am just joking around a bit.


Henry W

I have been working on it. I do have a contact here in the U.S. but he is out of the country for a couple months.
He did give me his Skype number and I will be trying to contact him after our holiday.

It would sure be a nice engine for a combined heat and power setup.



Lister Startomatic 6/1 to be restored
Lister D 1937
Lister LT1