
we are back up and running again!

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lister forum is back up and online

Started by admin, September 25, 2009, 03:23:43 PM

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by now most everyone knows that the listerengine forum is back up and running.

there were some comments made in regard to this happening that might be taken
in ways we really don't want them to appear as.

certainly there is a lot of excitement for the new forum and as could be expected some
relief that the listerengine forum is back up again, however we probably should try to
be considerate of each others position in this matter.

on one hand it is true that the admin of the listerforum has put out the time and money
to provide a free forum... just as

on the other hand many people put a lot of effort into supporting it with their time, research, experience and tolerance

on balance it was a fair trade in my opinion.

we can make a decision to throw rocks over the fence at one another, and nothing positive is likely
to come of it, or we can co-exist and folks may very well drift from one side to the other as their interest and needs shift.

bottom line, lets not concern ourselves with what other forums are doing, and work to make this place as good an environment as we can make it, a place for the interchange if idea's, research and development of alternatives, and the ongoing education of the group as a whole.  if we can accomplish even half of this, we will likely have the best forum on the subject anywhere on the internet.

folks will gravitate to the forum with the best content in my opinion, so lets fill as much space with
quality content as we can and if need be go duke it out in the "octagon"

lets get back to the work of planning a building stuff!


we have made remarkable progress in a very short time, lets not lose our focus and get sidetracked with squabbling over the merits of one forum vs another.

does that seem reasonable?



It is nice that the Lister forum is back and I wish them well.  I am glad that the recent downtime has spawned (so to speak) this new list and I, for one, will be spending much more of my time here.  Jens, you have done a good job getting this forum up so quickly!
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!

Capt Fred

The main concern about listerengine seems to be the loss of information - how about all you guys and gals take it upon yourselves to compose at least one really good, detailed (pictures) post of a modification, solution etc that would be helpful to others.

Example - i devised a rather simple, clean if not elegant temperature overheat auto shutdown for my roid - very happy with it - it allows me to run my engine daily without concern for overheat (of course theres exploding flywheels, engine runaway, loss of oil pressure etc to worry about too ). Maybe this might be the kind of solution people might be looking for - or give them an idea to work it out on there own.

Just a thought.  Oh yeah one more thing, I'm still pissed about the gmail ban - Listerengine Pog mo thoin! (grinning smiley) [smileys not working for me}

Cheers, Fred 

Capt Fred

Many thanks to that "shy little beaver" may be a while before the content fills up, but a LOT of interesting subjects- nice to see them aggregated in one forum.  Looking forward to the future.

Cheers, Fred


Capt Fred:

that makes a lot of sense to me,
we got 91 members as of now, if even half were to writeup one good article on something that is a solution to
or even a well thought out theory on a problem or a some other subject,, we would have 45 good articles by the end of
the weekend.

maybe after a week we would have enough new members that did the same and we would have 100 or more.

even if folks were to go out to where they published something on another forum and brought it back here and pasted
it in, that would be useful as well.

we got a section further down the front page "members projects" and no one has posted picks of the engine they are
so proud of?  (i haven't either, but i got an excuse,, mine is unpainted and ugly)  :)

back to work ........


bob g