Cheap New One Person Cars Of The World (258MPG) for $600.00???

Started by Henry W, March 06, 2010, 07:24:12 AM

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Henry W


Quote from: hwew on March 06, 2010, 07:24:12 AM
I don't know what to think about this. Personaly I don't think it is possible.


The car is a real prototype by VW.  The quoted mileage was actually achieved (over a year ago).  The price is missing a few zeros.  $600 probably wouldn't cover the TV camera system that reduces drag by eliminating conventional side view mirrors.  Carbon fiber ain't cheap either.
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.

Henry W

That is what I suspect also. $600.00 pretty much buys very little these days.


Fat Charlie

I'll bet they can sell a version of it for $600.  Look at the Tata Nano: built in India, sold in India, it's $2160.  Now something smaller, built in China, sold in China- a stripper that doesn't have anything that people want (You wanted a seat? That's extra!).  Throw some sort of government fuel efficiency subsidy at it and you can see one being $600.  They'll probably even sell a few of them.  Whatever money they lose on the few $600 units that actually move will be more than offset by the "258 mpg for $600" hype. 

It's like other car companies advertising their biggest, most powerful model and making 90% of their money selling the base model- this one just plays in the other direction.
Belleghuan 10/1
Utterpower PMG
Spare time for the install?  Priceless.
Solar air and hot water are next on the list.


Listeroid 8/1


interesting that it says it has a 1 cylinder diesel engine, but holds 1.72 gallons of gasoline? another example of someone writing about a subject they have no idea about?
Old Iron For A New Age