Things to look for with a new Changfa?

Started by LincTex, September 21, 2009, 07:49:56 PM

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I have been considering one of the larger Changfa models to run my portable welding rig.

What are some common problem areas that need inspection before putting one in service?

I read somewhere on the 'net about a year ago where a guy took his new injection pump apart and had to clean it several times to get the grit and what-not out of it. I think he even put it in an ultrasound cleaner. To me, that is a serious component that needs to be kept very clean.

I would do away with the cooling hopper and use the plate on top with pipe fittings.

Any problems with your engine?

Metro 6-1 from Sam Crosby, 2007
Chang Chai 1110 - 18 HP


Hi Linc,

The Changfa's are very reliable low speed engines. (1500 to 2200 rpm)
If your welder needs to run at 3600 rpm, then you will have to run a "speed-up" belt drive.
I would not be too concerned about cleaning the injector. The engines come with a fairly good fuel filter and replaceable element.
Particulate matter in the injector should not be a concern.


Henry W

Pull the timing cover off and check all fasteners on the governer and counter ballance shafts. If there is any question of quality replace them all with higher grade 10-9 or 12-9 fasteners. This should not cost you more than $6.00. Use 242 Loctite when reassembling. make sure parts are clean. If possable purchase Loctite 7649 spray primer to speed up cure time. This will speed set up time in 15 Min. Make sure all gears are timed properly before reinstalling the timing cover. Torque all fasteners to spec.

Make sure you have prime to the oil pump before you start up the engine. A simple way is to crank over the engine without starting it and watch to see if the red oil indicator moves up. If not the pump has to be primed.

If you have an alternator on the flywheel I would pull the flywheel and check all the alternator fasteners in the same manor listed above.

Follow the work listed above you should have a reliable engine that will give good service for years.

Little prep work can save you lots of time, money and headaches.



the build quality of a genuine changfa is pretty good, but
there are many chinese engine's and they pretty much all look alike
from one series.

having said that, i would check the fuel system on any of these engines
just as a precaution, better safe than sorry.

as for the 195 series, the IDI engines have weak head gskts in my opinion
the fix is a replacement gskt that is made for the S1100 series engine
the "gaskets to go" is the go to guy for them.

as you probably already know, don't use the radiator or water pump that comes
with them, if you get that version, and delete both the fuel tank and the water tank
as well.

thermostat to 195 degree's and they do very well, i use a bosch aux. heater pump as
a water pump,, it works well and i have positive flow to a much better radiator that is off
engine mounted.

lots of other minor issues that you gotta keep an eye on, and maybe upgrade such as the
counter shaft brgs, reportedly the chinese brgs don't last as long as they should, so maybe
replace them with quality brgs to start with would be prudent.

pound for pound, dollar for dollar a changfa 195 is a hard engine to beat in my opinion.

the larger engines are probably fine, but they are animals when you get up to 1115 or 1125 size.

too large for my needs to i have no direct experience with them, the 195 though has proven to be
one tough little engine.

ditto's to what others have said

bob g

Henry W

I agree with Bob that Changfa assembly quality is better than some others.

Bob is also correct about the S195 IDI head gaskets. So far my S195 DI head gasket is holding up fine. But from what I understand the IDI and DI Head Gaskets are differant.


hello changfa owners

So it seems listeroids have been hexed by the EPA will your iron be next or do the changfa have some OTHER way into this country??  (USA that is)


Not trying to be smart or make anyone mad just wondering???
16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


nope the changfa is under the same scrutiny as the listeroids
we can't legally get them in either, even though there are still a couple dealers still doing so
its just a matter of time before they are gone too.

bob g


We can still bring them into Canada as long as the import documents state that they are to be used as "off road" stationary engines.
There may come a day when this is no longer possible.



I guess then that the powers that be don't want anyone to have any fun or and especially no economic activity that would generate taxes. Oh ya and no pollution. Wow here I go again bringing politics into a thread, what the heck was I thinking? Sorry guys just can't help myself. Yes I know I am speaking to like mined readers. Just ignorant I guess!


Admin please feel free to delete this post I just could not help myself..........sorry :'( :'( :'(
16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure