Compressed air storage power generation on a micro scale

Started by veggie, July 08, 2022, 08:33:32 AM

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Well this looks interesting.
I can imagine a small changfa or listeroid running on waste oils charging up this type of system.

This part cough my eye ...

"By discharging the cylinders sequentially, the discharge time can be greatly increased, making the system comparable to lead-acid batteries in terms of energy density. Based on their experimental set-up, the researchers calculated the efficiencies for different starting pressures and numbers of cylinders. They found that 57 interconnected cylinders of 10 litre each, operating at 5 bar, could fulfill the job of four 24V batteries for 20 consecutive hours, all while having a surprisingly small footprint of just 0.6 m3.

Henry W

This is interesting. Thanks for posting this. I'll be reading more.