Long Run Intervals for Chanfa style engines

Started by veggie, April 27, 2015, 11:08:24 AM

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In a small CHP application does it seem reasonable for a Changfa R175 engine to
be able to run for 4200 hours between major services.?
(oil changes would be performed much more often)

In this case the 4200 hours would represent two winter seasons of running to provide heat and electricity to a remote site.
( 3 months of Dec, Jan, and Feb.,per winter at 24/7 operation with loads shifting back and forth from 40% to 80% )
The engine would be modified with a large 8 liter crankcase oil reservoir.
Engine rpm would be 1800 and output would be 2 kw max.
Electricity and cooling heat would be harvested.
The necessary alerts and shutdowns would be in place and the site would would be visited every week or two for service/inspection.

Has anyone run a Changfa style unit in a long interval application?
I am interested to know if 2100 hours per year is a reasonable expectation.

Ideas and stories welcome  :)



I saw this type of operation in Iraq. In Abu Ghraib Prison I saw the light set generators run 10000hrs in two years. Changfas did not make it that far. Only Kubotas, Izuzus, and Mitsubishis were still running after a 24/7 duration of that length. That said, 4200hrs seems attainable with maintainence. The light plants of Abu, were only fueled and oil added, never serviced. The only caveat I would think worth mentioning, is the racket. One must accept the drone of that engine, in a remote location, as all encompasing. I live with a Kubota in the winter. Its worth the cost of solar to have the silence. I would definitely try the Changfa if its already in the pipeline.


if the water temp is controlled at around 195 deg F and the oil is filtered well/adequately, i see no reason that from a wear standpoint the little changfa could not exceed your requirements.

running continuously, with adequate oil and good filtration, there is no reason the little motor couldn't do quite well in my opinion.

cold starts, low coolant temps are probably the biggest killer of any engine, second only to very poor or non existent maintenance.

i have it on authority (someone i trust) that the s195's can attain 20k hours before overhaul with good maintenance, so i would certainly think a 175 could have no problem reaching well over your requirements.

clean fuel, clean air, and clean oil, along with stable operating temperatures should get you there, and it sounds like you have all that figured out anyway... so what is left?

piston/rings/cylinder wear?  even non hardened liners of dubious quality probably could exceed your requirements,  i think the changfa cylinders are adequately hardened, at least in my experience to not be a weak point.

you might have to reset the valve clearance after the first 100hrs or so, then annually?

my bet is the 175 will do the job you have in mind quite well.

noise?  well we just have to live with a little racket!  ;)

bob g