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Who uses Waste engine Oil?

Started by glort, December 26, 2013, 06:31:47 PM

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Now you mention it, it may well be DI.  I hadn't thought of that.  I might pop the injector out again and have another look.
I had it out the other week when I made a blanking plate instead of an exhaust gasket and fired the thing out of the Cylinder and it was spraying on veg pretty well even at low speed  turnover.

Seems much more difficult to get an engine to run happily on WMO than Veg but then again, I have been using WVO so long in so many things, I probably do things by instinct with it now.

I'm thinking the best thing to do witm WMO is to pyrolyse it to crack the stuff back down to Diesel and just use that!


I've got a question for all you folks here!  I've been pouring about a quart of Wal-Mart 2-stroke oil into the tank of my 240-D Benz when I fill up to try to lube the injection pump as I read that the new low sulpher fuel doesn't do as good a job of it as the fuel that the engine was built for.  I'm intending on cleaning some WMO real good and maybe adding 1 to 3 gallons to my tank at each fill up.  I'm wondering if the WMO will mix with the fuel in the tank or will just sit there and my engine will be running on stright WMO that the lift pump sucks off the bottom of the tank?  I assume that the 2 stroke oil mixes in as I fill the tank and then drive around but WMO is much thicker and maybe wont mix without some outside help  ??? ?  Anybody got some thoughts?  Maybe I should blend with dino or gasoline before I pour either type of oil into the car?  If I blended the WMO with gasoline and then pour into the car will the blend be destroyed by sitting in the diesel in the tank?  I was hoping that in the summer I could save $20 on a fill up and maybe dump in 5 gallons of WMO  ;D.  Maybe not so simple though?  Thanks for any ideas.        Leland


If I follow your question(s) correctly, Yes, WMO and ULP or Diesel  will blend without problem and so will a ULP/ 2 Stroke mix.

If you are intending to add 2 stroke to the WMO/ ULP, I wouldn't bother.  The WMO will make the Blend as lubricating as it can be.
I used to preblend ULP and WVO but don't bother any more. I put in the oil and then the ULP and another drum of oil . I believe the filling of the tank in this way provides plenty of mixing  and then as soon as you drive the vehicle, it's all sloshed around anyway. Even if you got a slug of ULP in the pickup, it's going to dilute as it travels along the fuel line and then goes into the filter where it will mix and be bled back to the tank as well.

I have just been blending in the tank now for over a year and have seen not one single thing to indicate the ULP and Oil aren't mixing.  WMO is even more compatible with ULP and Dino as it's made from the exact same base stock.  To this end, while ULP, Dino and Veg will blend perfectly ( and NONE of them including WMO will ever separate)
Don't try blending WMO and WVO unless you have a good amount of ULP or Dino in the mix and I personally wouldn't blend the engine and veg oil unless I was going on a trip where they will both be constantly mixed and agitated  and therefore kept blended. I'd make sure I used them all up pretty much then refilled with one or the other.

I think that is a cautionary approach and tests I have done would indicate that it should take a couple of days at least for them to separate. Of course there are MANY different types of veg and engine oils and even diesel and ULP comes in different formulations so I would err on the side of caution in this case. Then there is temperature and probably some other variables.  I have also seen the goo that occurs when they separate so I myself would be careful to avoid that.

For what you want to do, Diesel/ WMO/ ULP/ 2 stroke all go together like water and cordial so you have no worries. 
I just wouldn't spend any money on 2 stroke when you are using WMO ( or veg)  because thats going to give the mix PLENTY of lube value.