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Books about motors and generators?

Started by Dualfuel, October 13, 2013, 04:08:34 PM

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Do any of you have any favorite reference books about motor and generator repair? I don't need any electrical engineering stuff, but rather the actual nuts and bolts kind of books...similar to what I see for home washing machine repair....


there is such a book, i will have to look for the title, however be prepared to spend some money

last copy i saw was at a used book store for 125 bucks and it sold in 2 days!  it was a mid 50's edition iirc.

another excellent book is

dynamo-electric machinery
silvanus p. thompson

various editions starting back to about 1880's

you can find copies on google books to read online, or find an old copy on ebay or amazon from time to time.

while this book doesn't do the actual nuts and bolts of generator/motor repair like the first book it goes into great depth on design and engineering which is sadly lacking in every other book on the subject by every other author since this book was in print  and that is a very long time!

i highly recommend this book and if you can find one for less than 50 bucks it is worth every penny and would be very easy to resell in my opinion.

will get back and post the title and author of the first book, it does the nuts and bolts of repair of various generators and motors on the market at the time of the books printing... it is looked to as the bible on the subject of hands on repair and maybe exactly what you are looking for?

in my opinion maybe both books would answer your needs best, where one is long on practical how to, it is light on theory and math that would be needed to alter a unit to do something other than it was designed to do... and the other is long on the design and math but maybe a bit short on hands on practical how to do?

let me see if i can find the title.

alternatively there are countless editions that are pretty good, the old ICS books on AC motors/generators, DC motors/generators, being but two of several pretty good books... they are widely available on amazon and ebay for about 10-15 bucks each... they are actually pretty good in giving a decent overview, but lack the nitty gritty details that you might need at some point.  in my opinion they are so good that they ought to be in everyones library to start out with.  publishing dates are from about 1910-1950 or so... with the older versions being a bit better in theory and the later editions better in actual units that are very similar to what we work with today, such as the ST and startomatic generator heads.

i have been collecting these books for many years now and must have 20-30 so far, i do not have the first book i referenced in this post... i snoozed and i loosed i guess?   i haven't gone looking for a copy because in my opinion the other books do what i need, and what they don't i have learned along the way.

if i run across a copy however i will be jumping on it for my collection

bob g


 The other thing I am looking for are the Army Correspondence Courses dealing with motors and generators...they are actually the very best classroom books ever made...third grade reading level...I have taken ones dealing with machine shop, and how to build a radio from scratch...using vacuum tubes...I'd like to find paper ones, about motors.
I have all my college EE books yet, but I only took complimentary EE classes as I was a Mech E....

I suppose I should ask the instructors of the Tech EE classes too, those cats actually write the books....

The other once I find something good, I'd like to share it on the forum...any thoughts about that?


OMG.....the IDP courses are on Ebay...six bucks apiece!


the rosenburg books are the go to for motor and generator rewind and repair

here is one on ebay

there are i think 3 editions going back to the forties

bob g


Was digging around looking for my Stockel and my GM service Manuals...found a book by Charles I. Hubert, called Operational Electricity...copy right 1961 Library of Congress #: 61-11517

Its an old text book based on a more technology oriented level....I am enjoying it as its all based on analog equipment, and covers motors and generators AND analog voltage regulators! yay!


I have an E-book I downloaded for my Kindle Fire titled "Armature winding and motor repair" by Daniel Harvey Braymer circa 1919.  Search Google Books, it's a free PDF format download.  
It's been helpful to me, lotsa purdy pictures!  Well, maybe not too pretty, but many drawings to clarify the text.
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