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been gone for a while...

Started by mobile_bob, June 05, 2013, 06:32:06 PM

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I went to use the Farmall H last season and discovered it had no oil two days ago I tried to change the oil....I took out the plug and nothing came out...I stuck a finger in the drain hole and pushed up...there was something blocking the hole...then the oil came out...It was clear...or translucent. I took off the oil pan and found and inch thick layer of black tarry sludge in the bottom. I am hoping the the problem was a sludge plugged oil pump pick up screen. I found this to be remarkable....I have never seen engine oil that was able to allow the sludge to seperate and fall out. I don't remember ever changing the oil in the tractor. The oil did not smell like mineral oil and it didn't smell like vegatable oil either.
I am hoping to use the H and a low trailer to fetch wood waste from the logging operation that just finished up...200 acres....of dead sugar maple and oak branches. Fate is steering me away from plastics to gasoline and biodiesel and pushing the woodgas on me again...I now have a 5 acre pile of oak tops to tackle. I am excited and exhausted at the same time...only machines can move so much wood, so quickly, and operating those machines is pretty tiring...I have great respect for loggers now...their job is anything but easy even with feller/bunchers/ slashers/ and skidders. Its still hot, loud, bumpy, buggy, and dangerous...
I will try and get the camera going again...its unbelievable, the wood piles.


non detergent oils were designed to precipitate out the dirt and other crap and form a sludge in the bottom of the oil pan... therefore it was very common to remove the oil pan once a year to clean out this sludge from the pan and the pickup screen of the oil pump.

also i have seen what you describe when antifreeze leaks into the oil pan, some oils will certainly turn first to sludge, then gell and then turn to tar like substance, effectively blocking the oil pickup screen and brg failure is next to follow.

you might want to drop a few rod brgs and check the upper halves while you have the pan off, also maybe a couple main caps check the bottom shells on the mains. should you see signs of galling due to loss of oil pressure, you might want to tear it down further for inspection and repairs.

if you have minor galling, you can often times just have the crank polished and replace the rod and main brgs and be good to go again.

bob g


Thanks Bob...I scraped out the pan, put it back up and replaced the oil...the oil pressure starts out strong...40psi, then drops as the engine is reading on the guage and not I think I will have to go back in to have a look at the bearings....grrrr, I really need to be doing something else right building a ride. All my vehicles have broken down and I have been too obsessed with hauling the wood in, to mess with the cars....
The tracktor was supposed to be hauling a low trailer up to the ridge for gathering dry Sugar Maple copice...(the best producer fuel!).
I got an idea though...


Howdy folks, I'm still occasionally lurking around here. Most of my projects are on the back burner due to extreme amounts of day-job work; plus I am now supporting a couple of US installs of our product, which means I start work late but have to work late too. On the up side, that means there are more trips to America in my future :)

The next one (mid-August I hope) looks likely to take in Chicago, somewhere in Minnesota and somewhere in Virginia...

I do need to dig the Lister S-o-M out again sometime, they're talking about powercuts and brownouts next year due to lack of generating capacity - so that's a good reason to get moving on it. I've also recently acquired a 7hp CD engine, which I intend to use as a 3-phase genny.

However, Project #1 at the moment is converting a very very rusty & knackered Jaguar XJS into a racing car... no pics yet, but there will be a build log.
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...



Did I just read you might be in Minnesota soon?

WOW you do get around.

Is it a secret what product you support? or can you tell the group?

Thanks billswan
16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure