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A Parts Goff-Up - Please Don't Order Based On My Suggestion!

Started by WStayton, July 31, 2011, 12:25:15 PM

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Hi. All!

  I previously advertised here, by parts number, that I had ordered a Control Unit and a stepper motor from Generac that I THOUGHT would solve the problem of engine-control for my Mercedes engine-generator.

  Please be advised that I MAY HAVE screwed up!!!   In my endless efforts to buy cheap, I ordered the cheapest parts that conformed to the broad general description of what I needed.

  Following a telehone conversation of yesterday with Horsepoor, I again opened the box that the parts came in and, this time, actually opened the sealed almost opaque plastic packages that they came in and discovered, to my horror/alarm/surprise, that the two pieces that I had orcered wouldn't connect together electrically since they both terminated in a female connector!!!

  Both parts have six individual wires that come into the connector, and they are, almost, color-coded identially, five out of six wires matching exactly and the sixth pair being different shades of the same color.

  I will call Generac tomorrow and plead for help, though the last time I talked to them, they were less than forthcoming since I intended to use the parts on an engine that they didn't endorse or use.

  In my defense, NOTHING, in any sales or other spot of the web, that I could/can find tells you how the two parts are terminated and/or tells you what the wires actaully are - even the documentation that comes with the parts doesn't tell you what wire does what with which and to whom!!  Nor does anything that I could find tell you "for controller "A", use actuator "B:", so somebody ordrering with an eye on the price of the parts would probably do exactly what I did - order the cheapest one and there is a significant differance.  The part I ordered costs about $40, while the one called for in the control unit paperwork costs about $115 - This may be yet another time when my desire to save a couple of nickels has cost me a few tens of dollars! <grin>

   Anyhow, please stand by on oirdering anything based upon part number supplied by me - at least until I can confirm whether or not there is any way to make it work.

  Sorry about the screw up!!!


Wayne Stayton
Mercedes OM616 Four Cylinder Driving ST-24



I found a wiring diagram for the unit. I hope this helps and I am very interested in this apparently cost effective solution. I want to build, at least, a nudge system that will take an unloaded prime mover running at 60 Hz and pull a second, much lighter spring attached to the governor linkage that will "nudge" and hold the engine at 60.X Hz as loads are added.



Hi All!

  Well, I called Generac and, after wading through their voice mail system, actually got to talk to a human!  Not a knowledgeable human, but a human, never the less! 

  The tech I talked to said that he wasn't qualified to answer my question but that he would take my number and have a supervisor call me.  Sorta sounded like a nice version of "Take a hike!", but I gave him myu number and am now waiting, since day before yesterday, for a call back.

  If I don't get one today, I'll call again on Monday and plead for help again!


Wayne Stayton
Mercedes OM616 Four Cylinder Driving ST-24


Here's a different insight to Generac.

I live very near the Generac facilities and I'm not surprised at your lack of support or product knowledge.
Generac has been an employment 'revolving door' for the last 30 years. The customer service person you spoke to yesterday may not be there tomorrow. I know more than 10 former employees and of course they all have sour grapes as an attitude. Relatively low pay, work you to the bone then spit you out within 3-4 years. It doesn't matter if you're shop floor or the C level people I know.

Generac works to this simple business model. Hurricane season. Build stock and fill rented warehouse space by July, fill the supply channel then can half of the workforce in August. Oh the engineering horror stories I have heard referencing the pathetic junk they produce.

Just sayin.....



  I am always glad to hear from somebody who has "been there/done that", hwever it was not heartening to hear it about a company who's product I was/am about to use!  <grin>

  Do you have any opinion on the particular piece of hardware in question, i.e. the Generac Generator Throttle Control unit and the actuator?  From what you can see of them, which is practically nothing, since everything is "potted" under a heavy layer of plastic, they appear to be well made - no sloppy solder joints hanging out, etc.  However, you could hide a multitude of sins with that thick layer of potting compound - so if you know anything, or even THINK anything,  about this particular part, PLEASE speak up!  <grin> We're dying from lack of knowledge here!  <smile>

  Again, thanx for your perspective!


Wayne Stayton
Mercedes OM616 Four Cylinder Driving ST-24


Sorry Wayne, I have no input on the devices you have.

So here's the funny or sad aspect of it. I rang up the home # of an engineer I know at Generac. I haven't talked to him for a couple years and I wanted to pick his brain for you.  Seems the guy got the typical Generac employee ax last year. He was a mechanical guy that was doing the sheet metal type packaging of the home backup sets and has no idea as to system controls etc.


Hi All!

  Well, I FINALLY got back an email from a Generac Supervisor . . . as in somebody who could, sorta, answer my question(s)!

  The actuator/stepper-motor that I bought, a p/n 092059 is not designed to work with the 098647 Control module, and they specifically designed the connector so that they would not plug together for a stepper-motor that won't work with a control module.  Apparently the stepper-motor that I bought is designed for a smaller engine than the 2.0 liter/2.4 liter that the control module goes to.  So, I have to order the p/n 98290 stepper-motor that is for the bigger engine and which will work with the 09867 Control module that I DO have.

  The 98290 stepper-motor will plug directly to the connector on the 09867 control module having a female plug and the stepper motor having a male plug.

  The "connector" "box" that is shown on my diagram that came with the control, is just a "shield" that holds the two connectors together so that they don't unplug - it is not an electrical part, just a mechanical one and not necessary to the function of the unit.

  I was also cautioned to be careful what I ordered, since they make quite a few control modules and MOST of them are not designed to be stand-alone and have to be hooked into their proprietary system control module to work.  The one that I have, p/n 098647, is one of the few that works in stand alone mode and has no hook up for a "system" controller that monitors engine temperature, engine oil pressure, etc., etc. so I got lucky on that one! <grin>

  Hope that this answers a few of the questions - now I have to dig out a $100 and order the right actuator! <smile>


Wayne Stayton
Mercedes OM616 Four Cylinder Driving ST-24