A video of the finished product - Chinese horizontal CHP

Started by jmw, September 29, 2010, 07:55:17 AM

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The exhaust comes out the bottom left of the 'hot end', the radiator end with the Louvre panel.

The EGHE is cleaned by removing the top end cap (4 bolts). Each of the 27 tubes can then be cleaned using a flexible pipe brush. It can lift straight off without disconnecting the exhaust due to the flexible exhaust section. The lose soot then gets blown straight out the next time you run the engine.
If necessary, once the end cap is removed, the entire body of the EGHE can be removed if you disconnect the plumbing (one hose and one compression joint).




That's a Changfa S1100 with the fuel tank and water hopper removed.
In place of the hopper is a plate with water inlet/outlet connections.




Congrat's on the completion of your design.
Definitely the best packaging of a Changfa for CHP that I have seen.

Very nice indeed.



nice clean looking rig, well contained and looks really good

now you need to run the living shit out of it, do stupidity tests on it, and everything you can think of to make it
fail, then make improvements based on what is learned.

the biggest issue i see with prototype designs is they are sold and the problems are left to work out in the field.

i realize that there is probably no way around this aspect entirely, but to whatever extent you can you should try to
do as much testing inhouse as you can.

over the years i have had the displeasure of having to repair/rework/reengineer prototype production equipment like
6 head cnc component saws used in the production of roof trusses, and there is always nightmares that the new owner
has to go through,, some of the units are just shit from the gitgo and usually are absorbed later back to the seller via
purchase of a new version wherein the buyer pays a greatly reduced price for the new version and trades in the year or two
old problems child.

one can do this sort of business if he is the only show in town, with no competition, and is selling to large companies that realize
that this is part of the game, however

selling anything to an individual not experienced with this type of business model can be a real problem for both manufacture and buyer/owner.

it might help if the buyer understands up front that he is buying one of the first, and is given a substantial discount so that he feels good about
working out eventual problems.

just my .02

bob g


Quote from: veggie on September 29, 2010, 03:52:54 PM

That's a Changfa S1100 with the fuel tank and water hopper removed.
In place of the hopper is a plate with water inlet/outlet connections.



Yes, but slightly different. The water enters the engine at the bottom via the pump, and exits only at the top plate. See pictures




Ahhhh! I see. The hopper area is completely blanked off except for the single water connection.

Is the water pump supported by it's piping? I don't see a bracket.

How is the water pump belt tension adjusted?




Yes, the water flows through the mount casting. The whole crank case has been cast differently to provide a flange, but I don't see why anybody couldn't just drill and tap around the same area to provide an in-flow fitting on engines without this.

There's no adjustment in the belt whatsoever. It did worry me when I first saw it, but I haven't seen any issues with it yet.



Actually there is quite a bit of adjustment in the pump.  It looks to me that if you rotate the pump assembly by 1/6 turn that you get a little more than that pulley to pulley distance change.



Very, very nice!!!

I'd love to know how it works out over time and what (if any) issues are found.

They seem to have spent a great deal of time thinking this through and it's a beautiful job imho!



Mark this is very nice. It seem you have spent quite a bit of time on this. It's to bad these are not welcome in the US. I called Pace and left the engine prices on your answering machine. I don't see those being an option over here for a long time. Anyway stay well. I will drop a line soon. It sounds like Mark L R will be picking up those engines soon. The container is coming together and I can't wait to get the CD's I bought from you. Mike
As long as Breast Cancer Kills, I will support the battle. Please help support your local chapters.


few things
1. Did you or they in China have to recast the crank case, You say " The whole crank case has been cast differently to provide a flange"?
2.you run the water in Series (closed system)
If you want to use water for home use like washing or showering do you have a way to heat that water
3.is the WVO cleaned by the filter or cleaned off site
4.Are you useing a water additive to keep inside engine free of rust
You guys have built a FINE machine
Good work
Come to Phoenix I have a Machine shop you can use to build some .
Wish we could import
This thing would sell$
Working with Witte 15/1,WVO Lister 12/2 with 25kw Gen head,Gasifier,Sterling Engine,Solar,Hydrogen,300sd Benz on WVO,Dodge Truck on WVO


1) The recasting was all the manufacturers doing. I would have been happy with a 3/4" BSP threaded hoe in the casing, then use an external central heating water pump (probably controlled by a thermostat switch).
2) Yes, the water flows are in series. We either build a Flat Plate Heat Exchanger into the CHP or ask that the customer installs something (usually a coil in a hot water tank) similar to isolate the water circuits.
3) We mandate both.
4) Yes, we either use standard Central Heating System inhibitor, or automotive anti-freeze if we need to push the boiling point limit.
Thanks for your support and encouragement.
