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Started by veggie, October 01, 2009, 08:54:35 PM

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it comes down to "reasonable" expectations, and even then "reasonable" is in the eye of the beholder

Ettore' Bugatti during the heyday of his race car years sold one of the cars to some royalty, a prince of somewhere iirc

when the prince came back bitching about the car being hard to start in cold weather, he was met with...

"if you can afford on of my cars, you can afford a heated garage!!"

afterwhich he was shown the door.

i remember the nsx and the 5000 mile tires, if i had been the judge i would have thrown the class action lawsuit out the door
along with a letter to the bar for the atty's that brought the suit.

those tires were of a special soft compound, which was designed to work with the geometry and G forces involved in a specific
extreme performance car, a car that was not meant to be a daily driver.

anyone that bought one of those expecting something other than what they got was just too stupid to have been allowed one in the
first place.

i remember my road race days, many years ago, my tires were shreds in under 5000 miles too!

as the old saying goes, "lots of horse, eat lots of oats"

bob g


When I had my vette.... It had soft sticky tires! Man did they hold the road! I'll never forget the feeling
I got when I was handed the bill for the first replacement tires! OUCH! I had to have the "Factory Original"

Even when I bought the later sets I still bought those pricey bastards.... Had to have that GRIP!

When you spun them they left alot of Black Fuzz all over the road... kinda like the crap left behind by a pencil eraser except alot more expensive!



yup, and if you would have put a cheaper tire on the vette, then went out and found that it could not hold the road,
ended up in a wreck and killed somebody, then what?

according to some folks it would have been time to sue chevy in a class action lawsuit!

obviously you were much smarter than that and saw the value and need for the tires spec'd for the car, even
though their lifespan was low and cost seemed quite high

bob g