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Lister engine gallery or microcogen gallery

Started by mbryner, October 04, 2009, 12:04:40 PM

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Hey guys,

I'm the admin and owner of    It was put together to supply a need at the LEF.    

Please feel free to use it for this forum as well, though I see this forum allows direct post of pictures.    

If you need/want to make your own gallery of pics or want to post a larger pic than this forum allows, you can post it over there and link it.    

If anyone sees a need, I'll buy another domain name, like and structure the gallery tree differently.   If you currently have pics there, not to worry, I have no plans to take it down.   Admin, if you want this posted somewhere else, please let me know.

JKson 6/1, 7.5 kw ST head, propane tank muffler, off-grid, masonry stove, thermal mass H2O storage

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temp Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, 1775

"The 2nd Amendment is the RESET button of the US Constitution"



Please allow me to be the first here to say THANK YOU! for the gallery - which has the excellent bonuses of being free (to us ;D), advert-free, and devoid of the "designer's diahorrea" which plagues photobucket, etc.

Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure