Hi Bob,
It's registered through an eNom Reseller - but the actual reseller appears to be Troy's company - and Troy's been out of it for at least 10 years... Yeah, it needs renewing in the grace period (30 days max), otherwise it gets expensive to sort out & liable to be poached. I have a feeling either you or Andrew sent me the eNom details a few years ago, but my mail server exploded & I lost everything before about 2018. I've not had the details since, & Andrew vanished off the grid around the same time, 2018.
If you can get into eNom, you might be able to access the records. If you do, I suggest you update them to your e-mail address (it's still Troy's on the record), so at least you get alerts...
Let me know how you get on - if it's not going to be resolved in the next, 48h, say, I'll shift over to the backup domain.
It's registered through an eNom Reseller - but the actual reseller appears to be Troy's company - and Troy's been out of it for at least 10 years... Yeah, it needs renewing in the grace period (30 days max), otherwise it gets expensive to sort out & liable to be poached. I have a feeling either you or Andrew sent me the eNom details a few years ago, but my mail server exploded & I lost everything before about 2018. I've not had the details since, & Andrew vanished off the grid around the same time, 2018.
If you can get into eNom, you might be able to access the records. If you do, I suggest you update them to your e-mail address (it's still Troy's on the record), so at least you get alerts...
Let me know how you get on - if it's not going to be resolved in the next, 48h, say, I'll shift over to the backup domain.