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Messages - morse

Changfa/Redstone/Chinese diesels / r175
January 12, 2011, 04:37:11 PM
hello all
this is my first post on this forum
2 years ago i decided to have an English narrow boat built and try to live off grid
i moved the boat to Holland.
were i live in the middle of a nature reserve  most of the year
so far i have installed  400 watts of solar panels
the boat has a 1937 kromhout 3ls engine  45 hp @1500 rpm
attached to it is Leese Neville 270 amp 12 volt alternator
not very efficient.
At the moment i am trying to built a windturbine, a design by hugh piggott.
what got me interested in this forum is a utube video by veggie
i am very impressed by his changfa project
my question is if this if the same modifications  can be done to a r 175 or r 165 engine
space is very limited on my boat.