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Messages - Benchmark

Not at all, Bill.
Hope to do so this week-end. I'm busier than a monkey with 50 feet of rope until then. But it would be fun to compare.
Thanks, Bill, for the gen head manual. very helpful. Looks like my unit is very nearly identical to yours. The gen head for sure.
Like you, my spare time comes in rather small, widely scattered pieces. but I'll let you know when I learn anything more.
Mark D
I'm the one who bought one of the same units for $700. Seller said it only had 10 hrs on it. It's more and more believable, the more I scrutinize it. I've had mine running a couple times (total maybe 40min) and everything looks and sounds fine. But after reading this thread, I think I'm gonna break it down even further and make sure about Bob's "issue list."
BTW is that the original literature in a zip-loc bag that came w/ the unit? If so, could you send me copies of whatever you have? I have absolutely nothing with mine.
Let's keep each other posted on findings, etc. okay?
Mark D
I have indeed found the forum very informative -- not to mention slightly addictive.
Yes, I do have a fan/radiator set-up. I'm going to take the radiator apart and see if I can locate the magneto you referred to in your last post. I did not mention that the unit is a Hardy Diesel set-up with what looks like a low-oil pressure cut off solenoid already attached, and a 2-belt flywheel to gen head connection. I presume you just put your alternator in place of your radiator fan? Shouldn't be too hard to do, I wouldn't think.

By the way, do you or anyone else out there know about "Hardy Diesel"? I looked them up on the web, but couldn't find anything on their website that referred to their older gen sets. I'd love to get my hands on the paperwork/spares/toolkit that was supposed to have come with it.

Thanks again, Bob for the helpful pix.

Mark D

Hello Again, Bob and all you stalwart (tho' perhaps somewhat hearing deprived) changfa-type cogeners,
I am indeed Marcus' FIL otherwise known as Mark (not too confusing, I hope). Thanks, Bob for your kindly and reassuring words re: what happened to my first post. It was so beneficial to visit the "offgridders' center of the universe" before having braved the elements and and drivers of the Washington I-5 corridor. Exhilarating if not life-threatening. Thanks George for all the good counsel about what to look for and look out for. Very helpful.
As to what I want to do with my chang: ultimately use it for off grid set up. That won't be immediate however. First step will be to power a barn and shop building. I want to use that to sort out installation, electrics, fuel management, etc. Then construct a linkage to the house/well so I don't black out and freeze when the grid goes down (we've had 3 significant power outages just since we moved here in July).
My most immediate needs probably center around getting cooling and exhaust systems set up (i.e. remote radiator - I can already see that the onboard rad will be vibrated into confetti -- or maybe pudding -- pretty quickly with the way this thing rattles around).
It would really be helpful to have a manual or at least some diagrams, anyone know where I could such? Also, there were no spare parts or tools such as were supposed to come with it. But for what seems at first blush to be a good-running unit, $700 is a good deal so I'm not whining, just looking.
One more thing I mentioned in my disappearing post was that there didn't seem to be anything from the alternator charging the battery. A manual would be really helpful in that regard perhaps.
Really glad to be on the Forum,
Mark D.