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Messages - propellanttech

I thought since this was a Welcome post...I would throw my two cent in as well.

I'm new around here...but not really new to lister or off grid information.

I would love to get off grid, but my current situation will not allow it.

I am pretty well versed with automation, mechanics, solar, electronics, and probably a lot of other things I can't recall at the moment.

I am interested in helping with any projects that involve getting away from the grid.

I own a electronics design and assembly company.....and worked as an automation technician for 8 years. Before that I worked on aircraft electronics for 12 years.

I am always interested in projects, especially if it entails doing something different, cheaply. Well cheaper than buying some over priced item that is way too complicated or over kill.

Safety is always the first priority with any project I work on. Reliability is the second.

If anyone wants to start a discussion....just let me know.

James L