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Messages - PhillT

Quote from: billswan on June 03, 2010, 05:23:55 AM
welcome aboard PhillT  ;D


Thanks Bill.
Quote from: rbodell on April 03, 2010, 07:00:36 AM
Look at this "THING" between the engine and the gen head

I assume it is for cooling. I guess the trickling water must pass off a lot more heat Than I would have ever guessed. It doesn't seem to have a big reservoir, but for somebody who takes their engine to shows where you are watching it, it would sure save a lot of space.

Pausing the video on the close-up of the unit in question, close observation reveals the words "F.A. Sening Hamburg" cast into the side.
Googling F.A. Sening reveals that they are an engineering company, making products for petroleum handling, metering, flow control etc.
The last comment on the YouTube video has some interesting German words in it, "Das ist ein ehemaliges Schauglas eine Tankstelle"
As I have no clue about German, pasting the phrase into Google Translation gives the result "The sight glass is a former gas station"
This would strongly suggest that it is Fuel, not Water in the "Thing", and that it is in fact a Sight Glass from the side of a very old petrol or diesel pump as used in petrol (gas) stations a long time ago. I hope that sheds some light on it :-)

This forum seems like a great resource for gaining knowledge in fields I am interested in, so I hope I can give and get some good info.

CS 3/1