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Messages - Bill

Quote from: bschwartz on December 20, 2009, 05:49:36 PM
Although HORRIBLY full of losses, I am currently turning my meter backwards!!!! ;D
I've got the listeroid 6/1 turning a 6.5KW PMG producing 120V AC.  Plugged into that is a 19V 33 amp DC power supply.  Plugged into that is an Ebay 250W micro grid tie inverter, plugged into a dedicated circuit to my breaker panel.  The Kill-A-Watt that the power supply is plugged into shows a 295 watt draw.  The Kill-A-Watt between the inverter an the breaker (YES, they work backwards too) shows 208 watts into the grid. Ugly, but for a first test, it is a HUGE success!!!! My electric meter is actually turning backwards.  So far today, I've turned it back about 1.75 kilowatts!!! :o

About a year ago, the local Co-op electric company started installing new meters that are read from up to 150 feet away.  It looks like an LCD display.

  I was wondering if anyone had experience with these type of meters and what they do with a backfeed voltage from co-generation?

PM generators / Re: anybody running a pm head?
December 17, 2009, 10:37:45 AM
Quote from: mike90045 on December 17, 2009, 09:10:07 AM
I use a magnet to hold stuff on the computer screen.  Pretty rainbows and such...

Hello Mike,

This time the screen is stable and no problems with jumping below the border..

When we had "Computer Lab" for my PreK to 6th grade elementary campus, the lab teacher came into my office with a student and mad as a wet hen.... ;>)  She took pride in her job and equipment, and expected that of her students, too.

Ten years ago, the monitors were CRT screens, and a student had taken a magnet and moved it across the screen...  Made quite a mess. The student and she thought it was damaged beyond repair...  After dealing with the student's isolation at lunch and playground time, and putting him back in his home room class, I told her to degauss the monitor by repeated On and OFF cycles.  I learned later, it took longer than I thought, but she fixed it....

Speaking of things that "stick on things"... The computer teacher had one standing MAJOR rule, and your posting reminded me to laugh...because I didn't realize that certain things stuck to plastic because they were "Magnetic"....   Her verbal reminder to each class, could be heard each week.  It was:
 "Other students use the same computer you do.  While you are practicing your keyboarding skills here in the lab, DON'T PICK YOUR NOSE."

PM generators / Re: anybody running a pm head?
December 17, 2009, 07:42:46 AM
Quote from: bschwartz on November 29, 2009, 03:51:00 PM
No, they are not sealed like the utterpower units.  They are open on the bottom with cooling vents.  They would attract metal filings if present I'd think.  In order to get stuff in them, they would need to suck from the bottom, as they are closed off top and all sides.  That aside, I would think that any generator head will have magnets when spinning.  These seem less likely to easily get contamination inside compared to the ST head (I have both).  Anything else you'd like to know?

As a new kid on the block, here on this forum, I'd like to describe an instance that happened to me that deals with magnets attracting contamination.

I'd found an old 1903 Stanley handplane that had been stored on its side.  From moisture of a wooden storage shelf, rust had pitted that side, so in my workshop, I was using a 6"x 36" upright sanding belt to smooth the rusty and pitted sides.  The belt/disc sander is 30 ft. from the end of the shop where a return air filter is for a corner heat furnace closet. About 6 ft. from the return air, between it and the distant belt sander, I have a metal storage cabinet with doors.  One the inside of the metal doors, I store odds and in's of different size magnets I find from time to time.

After, I'd finished flattening the sides of the handplane, I walked past the metal storage cabinet only to see patterns of blackish dust collected in the shape of the strongest magnets.  Air currents from the furnace blower had pulled Metal filings that traveled over 20 feet!!

Like the after-market magnetic drain plugs for your auto's oil pan,  I like the idea of putting some magnets in front of the PMgenerator's cooling ports.

By the way, I'm having trouble typing in this box as the last few lines keep jumping down under the bottom border even though I have extra blank spaces below this.  Any ideas how to correct this distraction?

It''s good to be here,