Quote from: bschwartz on December 20, 2009, 05:49:36 PM
Although HORRIBLY full of losses, I am currently turning my meter backwards!!!!
I've got the listeroid 6/1 turning a 6.5KW PMG producing 120V AC. Plugged into that is a 19V 33 amp DC power supply. Plugged into that is an Ebay 250W micro grid tie inverter, plugged into a dedicated circuit to my breaker panel. The Kill-A-Watt that the power supply is plugged into shows a 295 watt draw. The Kill-A-Watt between the inverter an the breaker (YES, they work backwards too) shows 208 watts into the grid. Ugly, but for a first test, it is a HUGE success!!!! My electric meter is actually turning backwards. So far today, I've turned it back about 1.75 kilowatts!!!
About a year ago, the local Co-op electric company started installing new meters that are read from up to 150 feet away. It looks like an LCD display.
I was wondering if anyone had experience with these type of meters and what they do with a backfeed voltage from co-generation?