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Messages - bluemax03

Direct drive.  I do not have a tachometer. My understanding of the 3600 rpm generators is that they must be turning 3600 rpm to acheive 60 Htz from a two pole generator head. I have borrowed a photo/laser tachometer and had a reading that varied between 3270 to 3420.  This is no longer available to me but I have been using my volt/ohm meter with a htz gauge. I verified the htz with an electronic gauge from "Hardy Diesel".
Hello,  I am new to the forum. I am looking for help with a problem and would appreciate if someone can direct me. I bought an Aurora 6500 D generator in 2009.  I had a manual transfer switch installed in my home lately, the electrician made the remark that I might have the generator looked at.  I have asked the company, local people, even Santa Claus.  I have had the engine looked at  by a diesel mechanic at a local diesel truck shop.
I need about 200 more engine rpm's.  I have ajusted the govenor plate maximum for added rpm's. I am at 57.4 Hertz and would appreciate any advice.
Thank You