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Messages - dgrigg


For my project above, I guess I can summarize a few areas that I could use some guidance/input.  If someone can point me to an area of the forum, or a member, who might best help in each of these areas that would be VERY appreciated.

1)  Throttle control
     -  Like I said above, I'm using a Trombetta P613-K currently.  I made a home-made bracket to mount it to the engine and adjusted the stop to set the engine at 2700 RPM.
     -  My concern is about long-term RPM stability, either due to vibrations loosening bolts, cable stretch, thermal drift, etc.
     -  Are there any simple ways to add active control to the throttle?   Is this even necessary, typically?
     -  Any suggestions for proper throttle mount?  (I can send a pict of my setup for reference.)
2)  RPM sensor
     -  I currently have 2 Hamlin 55075 Hall Effect sensors mounted on a home-made bracket, sensing the shaft keys on both the engine and the generator (AB50).
     -  I built a circuit using LM2917 chips and balanced R1/C1 to give appropriate output voltages for the 2700 and 3600RPM speeds.
     -  Since I am sensing the key, the sensor only sees one pulse per revolution.  My RPM output varies a little (+/- 100RPM overall) and I would like to get a better lock/stable reading.
     -  My sense is that adding something like a small Gear to the shaft, and sensing the teeth, would produce many more pulses per revolution and generate a more stable reading.
     -  I just don't want to fork out $60 for a gear for this.  Any ideas?
3)  Fuel Flow measurement
     -  It's maybe overkill, but I have been looking around for a cheap in-line flow sensor to monitor fuel consumption rates.  It would be pretty cool, if cheap enough.
     -  Does anything like this exist that would give me a 5V DC output scaled to mL/min or something?
4)  Oil Pressure Sensing
     -  I have seen much talk about Oil Pressure sensors.
     -  How can I easily add a oil pressure sensor?
     -  Do I add it right at one of the plugs to the oil reservoir of the engine?
     -  Where do I get one of these, and which one would be appropriate for this engine (CarrolStream 10Hp electric Start)?
5)  Sound and Weather-proof enclosure.
     -  I plan to pour a concrete slab foundation for my Genset in a couple months.
     -  I was thinking of making my own, double walled, ventilated with a fan, enclosure.
     -  I have looked at simply using one of those prefab plastic enclosure, but I am not sure how effective they are, and whether I might be able to make a better one, for less.
     -  References to previous projects would be nice to get some input on the design.
     -  Any members with some good experience and plans?
     -  I also plan to pipe the exhaust up the outside of my chimney, to get the fumes up and away.  So the enclosure has to have a good system to port out the exhaust.
6)  Automation
     -  And finally, are there any members that have done similar automation builds, particularly using Arduino micro-C?
     -  It would be nice to compare notes, sketches, diagrams, and design ideas.


What is the best way to test output wattage?  How do you know that you are outputting 2500 watt on your rig?  When testing fuel-efficiency and output, I want to load the generator to maybe something like 80%, or so.  Do you simply plug in a hair-dryer or something?  I would prefer a more direct measure.  Any ideas?

I'm new to this forum, and new but learning, about design and build of Gensets with diesel.
I am about 90% complete on a project to build a reduced speed diesel Genset.  I used the CarrolStream 10HP clone with the Voltmaster AB50.  It is throttled down to 2700RPM with a belt-driven reducer, and works great.  All built on a nice steal plate frame and on wheels for transport, as needed.
I do not have fuel consumption data yet, but will this summer as I complete the install.  I chose to do this because of all the power outages in CT this past year.  I have home heating oil, so going diesel was a natural.  I just couldn't bare buying the crap at HD or Lowes knowing that I could do it so much better, and have fun learning at the same time.

What has been the most fun about this project has been the automation of the Genset. 
I added a few items to the engine:  A solenoid throttle (Trombetta), a couple of Hall-effect sensors on the 2 shafts for RPM monitoring, and Temperature and Pressure sensors to monitor enclosure environment.
I hooked it all up with a micro-controller (Arduino-Mega) and automated the whole process.  My micro-controller is even a web-server where I can log-on to it from anywhere, even with my cell phone, and turn the Genset on/off, monitor it's output, etc.  The controller automatically powers on the unit when power is lost to the house, sends me a text message when it happens, and stores log-files and data-files on a local SD card to graph historical performance and environmental data.

My last big part of this project is to construct a nice concrete platform and sound/weather proof enclosure for it next to the house.  Any advice in this area would be greatly appreciated.
I'm adding a fan to the enclosure, to keep it cool when operating, and of course, this will be driven and monitored by the micro-C.

Also, I originally wanted to actively control the speed of the engine, with the micro-controller, since I have the RPM sensors, but opted to simply do it passively with a single-pull solenoid (Trobetta).  However, I am a little concerned on how long, unattended, the RPM will stay within range with just a simple pull-to-stop throttle scheme.  Especially with the amount of vibration, over time.   It seems OK now, but does anyone have any long-term experience or suggestions?
