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Messages - Mike

PM generators / Re: Honda EU series - stator voltage
November 27, 2012, 02:50:01 AM
Good question.   If these units can be modified for a reasonable quality DC output to feed some Midnite Controllers I would be interested.
I wonder if it would be possible to " break out " the DC, and make the unit "switchable " between a 70 Volt DC output to its usual inverter output ?

Another option, that I heard about quite a long time ago,  could be to get the largest 2nd hand Propane Gas tank you can find and fill it with very fine activated carbon.  Due to some sort of surface effect, nano holes in the carbon, can hold huge amounts of methane, at a much lower pressures than would be required without liquification.   From memory, pressures in the region of 150 psi, but I might be wrong about that.

Since most of the methane is trapped in the holes in the carbon,  the vessel when punctured will only release the contents slowly and will not explode.

I think some Department was running a competition with a reward for the first person to get the gas density up to levels similar to liquid fuels, and they where getting about half way there.

I think corn cobs where mentioned as a good source of carbon, then heated using the destructive distillation process.  I can't remember if the charcole was then pulverized or just smashed into little pieces.

We could try a test  9 liter gas bottle to see if it works,  at say at 75 psi.  I would be interested to hear how it goes.

Food for thought in any case.
