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Messages - Capt Fred

1075 hours since i put the hourmeter on bunch more before that.

Otherguy has no hour meter but runs 8 to 14 hours a day 7 days a week - this engine was totally rebuilt august of 08. Changed a coupla injectors, pumps and I think three de-carbon jobs  do the math on the minimums - aug 31 08 to oct 6 09 8 hours a day. but it's a bunch of hours

Not on topic, but I wish there had been a forum or at least a thread for  Changfa engines before I got my roid, I'd likely gone this way (please don't tell them 'roid people though - i might get banned again  ;D)

Keep up the good work, might go changfa for the other house.

Cheers, Fred
Here's an idea for a solenoid valve - sterlco 56T temperature regulated valve - check it out on ebay - here's a link

Used them in charles 803 reflux alcohol still to open at  that all important 78.4 C temperature. (experimental fuel purposes only - not for consumption) ha ha (damn smileys still don't freakin' work.)F

Anyway, These are first class valves (no financial interest etc) will do the job and that one is cheap - i paid a bunch more for mine.

Be warned -  all 56 t's are not the same - they varry by temperature the one on epay is up to 140 F

Cheers, Fred

ST and STC generators / Re: A proper suicide cable.
September 27, 2009, 06:08:12 AM
I'd also reckon most have already planned for, and already have what they need on hand to get the job done! 
I'm looking for golfcart or forktruck charger along with the sunnyboy - we have unreliable power in addition to typhoons that disrupt power, I like the idea of having something more substantial than the internal inverter charger to charge batteries.
I would imagine that without grid tie one would be better off with a surplus golfcart or forktruck charger.
Hi Scott

Yup, that's pretty much it , except its 120 to 60.

Here's what "George" (not his real name" is doing.)  Running a 12/2 listeroid driving a 10kw ST head - total combined output of the ST head is  240 volts (2 120 volt legs)

He has a stepdown transformer wired into each of those 120 volt legs so each transformer outputs 55 - 60 volts A/C - he then rectifies that 55-60 volts A/C to D/C for the inverter - which can then take that and put it back to the grid.

System needs a shutdown, cutoff or alarm in the event the grid goes down so you dont overcharge batteries (and our grid is pretty crappy) so that part is really important.

Hope this  helps.

Cheers, Fred

He is using them to step down the voltage from 110 to 55 A/C then rectify to D/C for the grid tiie inverter to put back into the grid.

Not the most efficient - but he runs the 'roid on wvo so reasonable inefficincies are't much of a bother.

Been running this for a year - only problem is the transformers are kinda "light duty" for the job - had to rewind them with bigger gauge wire.

Will be doing the same as soon as I can get ahold of a sunnyboy inverter - no need for the transformers with them - just rectify to D/C .

Cheers, Fred
I posted a bit about this in another thread, here goes again with a few more details

This buddy of mine who I collaborate with here on island is running a 12/2 listeroid with what he calls a "wall mill"  a otherpower style wind generator direct drive wired for a 48volt system. in addition to that he has two stepdown transformers one for each leg - that drops the output voltage of 120 down to 60 volts - then bridge rectifies to d/c and runs it to his 48volt outback grid tie inverter - pumps his extra power back to the grid - works great, reliable and cheaper than the mx60 (mind you i'm a big fan of the mx 60, will buy one for my solar system but it's a bit pricey compared to a transformer and bridge rectifyer system.)

I've carbon problems with my engine running wvo - can only manage a consistant 4.5kw load - not enough to properly load the engine - my inverter isn't a grid tie (had planned on being completely independant of the grid) so will pick up a sunnyboy - won't need the transformers with that system - just the bridge rectifiers pump a coupla kw back to the grid - run the engine a little less and with a more appropriate load.  Have seen the grid tie system working - looks like a great way to load the engine and build up some credit with the power company.

Cheers, Fred
Great score Bob!

I've got five years on my outback - no problems - no complaints.

Buddy of mine is running a 48volt grid tie outback inverter with 120 to 240 transformers - he's taking the 120volt output from the st head running thru two transformers (one for each leg) which is reduced to 60 volts then bridge rectified to d/c - and badda bing, ya got a grid tied 'roid - without alternators - works awesome!

Many thanks to that "shy little beaver" may be a while before the content fills up, but a LOT of interesting subjects- nice to see them aggregated in one forum.  Looking forward to the future.

Cheers, Fred
The main concern about listerengine seems to be the loss of information - how about all you guys and gals take it upon yourselves to compose at least one really good, detailed (pictures) post of a modification, solution etc that would be helpful to others.

Example - i devised a rather simple, clean if not elegant temperature overheat auto shutdown for my roid - very happy with it - it allows me to run my engine daily without concern for overheat (of course theres exploding flywheels, engine runaway, loss of oil pressure etc to worry about too ). Maybe this might be the kind of solution people might be looking for - or give them an idea to work it out on there own.

Just a thought.  Oh yeah one more thing, I'm still pissed about the gmail ban - Listerengine Pog mo thoin! (grinning smiley) [smileys not working for me}

Cheers, Fred 
wow, thanks Ronmar

Running a radiator system with a indian mechanical pump (reason I picked up the groco pump as a backup) -looking at your diagrams think a little extra thought on my part might go a long way to a better system.

Had another thought -  to use a heatex unit in my wvo process system to help in the heat process - your two best friends, gravity and heat.

Cheers, Fred
Hi Jens

Again good points, I don't have to raise water temps much here - water probably starts at 26C (no need to say it I'm a wimp ) - will look at welding something up in the iron pipe section and use the groco circulation pump I picked up on ebay - will push forward this weekend and see what comes up. 

Thanks again for all the great info.

Cheers, Fred
Howdy Jens and Bob good to be back in this forray agin'

Yeah, Jens you're right, I just didn't want to mess with a good thing, cooling system is reliable and working well, but it would be the easiest and quickest to get on line - I've a nice ss keel cooler that would work nicely with a proper fitted box.

Bob, you're right, how could i forget - it was freakin' cold - I popped into the "Grey(t) Northwest over thanksgiving.

Anyway that exhaust is still awesome If you can get it together write that paper, please, it would be very popular here.
