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Topics - dpollo

General Discussion / Reducing noise
September 29, 2009, 08:48:08 AM
I will start here in the general section in the hopes it will  catch someome's attention.  I have a 2 cylinder  1800 rpm Lister15 HP belt-driving a 5 KW Kato alternator.  It is located in a bunker between two buildings and partially below ground. The top 2/3 of the structure and the door are all conventional frame.  I would like to reduce the mechanical noise from the Lister without making the enclosure  6'x4' by 7'high  too hot.  At present, a long run will raise inside temp to about 120 F.  I am thinking a double wall and ceiling with vents in the roof and at floor level.  Anybody else been there?    (The exhaust noise is acceptable as I presently have it with 2 mufflers in line and the outlet pointing up.)  dp
General Discussion / Ceremonial Run
September 21, 2009, 05:28:16 PM
I am so pleased the forum is starting afresh that I am going right out to start up my genuine Lister  (2 cyl) which is coupled to a 5 kw Katolight and hoist a glass to Jens for his efforts.  I challenge all those members whose units are up and running to do the same.

BTW  In the discussion forums I did not notice a category dedicated solely to Lister or Lister of Dursley. Maybe in my excitement I missed it .  I'll log out now and light the unit up.  dp