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Topics - Capt Fred

Most of the year the wind carries my exhaust away from my neighbors so no problem.  Recently had a typhoon pass thru the area and with the change of wind direction exhaust was a bit of a bother for the neighbors (can't imagine why - smells like french fries)

Anyway, how far can I go and with what size pipe?  Ive the specs from lister on exhaust size but would like to go farther than listed in the book.

Cheers, Fred
The Bloody solar water heater blew another seal - sick of fixin' it - run the 'roid most every day figure might as well heat water for household use.

Saw Mobile Bob's setup coupla years back - really awesome - wondering if He might be interested in doing a White Paper on his setup. 

Anyway, want to heat water from the exhaust without creating any steam explosions.

Ideas and thoughts, as always, greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Fred