Intro, read first

Started by admin, May 27, 2010, 03:25:04 AM

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Welcome to the SOMRAD group, the "Society of Micro-Cogeneration Research and Development"

this catagory has been established for members who choose to join SOMRAD,

SOMRAD has entered into a partnership with the US EPA under the "EPA combined heat and power partnership" program

this catagory of the forums exists to provide room for members who are actively interested in supporting, or
wanting to develop combined heat and power units. this catagory will be under tighter moderation than what is common for the
original forum in an effort to keep the topics on topic and to reduce tangeants.

we have the opportunity to do something that no other forum group has done before now, so understandably we have the responsiblity
to try as best we can to do it right. our membership has the experience and expertise to research and then develop fully functioning combined heat and power units that can favorably compete with any currently available commercial technology. at a minimum we can develop basic units that reduce emissions over single purpose genset by very significant amounts, as well as increase the overall efficiency.

this is the next step in our evolution and we ought to embrace the move forward

as time goes on, and as news stories come about they will be posted under this board, updates and info from the EPA partnership will also
be posted here as it becomes available as well as anything else either we or any member feels is of interest to the SOMRAD group.